Fighting digital boredom

with Sara Shahbazi, Senior Designer

The abundance of online content and overexposure to digital experiences makes it harder than ever to stand out from the online crowd, leaving e-tailers and DTC brands with a crucial question: How do we cut through the clutter and noise to make a lasting impact on our audience?

We interviewed Sara Shahbazi, one of our Senior Designers, and asked her what digital boredom is, what causes it, and how we can defeat it once and for all.

How would you describe digital boredom?

Digital boredom is essentially when consumers stop paying attention to digital content due to a lack of variation across the line. Many e-tailers and designers prefer to provide digital experiences that consumers are familiar with and comfortable with, so as not to scare them off. Ergo, they all end up looking and feeling like copies.

Why do you think everything looks the same?

I think that there is widespread fear in the industry. Fear of trying something new, standing out and risking that clients and customers don’t understand or appreciate the end product. Furthermore, many websites tend to rely on Google’s algorithms to gain spread and traction in the search engine. The issue is that Google practically penalizes stores that don’t follow the design norm, which cements the idea that tried and tested concepts are the way to go.

So, how would we go about fighting this?

Firstly, we must let go of our “easy to shop” obsession and put more emphasis on genuine brand building. A shaved-off microsecond here or there makes no difference if we can’t make an emotional impact on the consumers. Secondly, we must add more value. Both designers and e-tailers must ensure that their digital storefronts provide something more in addition to the actual product or service they sell. This can be a function, a feeling, or a satisfying design choice that secures the consumer’s attention.

Do you have any final words of wisdom for the readers?

The greatest advantage of the digital format is its flexibility. It allows you, as a designer, to explore, experiment and retry until you find that one function, design choice, or experience that makes all the difference. I believe that designers would benefit from realizing that revisions are extremely valid and valuable. If something doesn’t work, just try again. Literally nothing is set in stone.

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